Fedora auf dem RaspberryPi – pidora

pidora_raspberry_pi_fedora_remix_horizontal1Wiedermal eine neue Distro für den RaspberryPi: pidora – ein Neologismus aus raspberryPI und feDORA. Hier ein paar Release-Infos:

Pidora 18 (Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix)
Pidora is a Linux software distribution for the Raspberry Pi computer. It contains software packages from the Fedora Project (specifically, the Fedora ARM secondary architecture project) compiled specifically for the ARMv6 architecture used on the Raspberry Pi, packages which have been specifically written for or modified for the Raspberry Pi, and software provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation for device access.

Pidora 18 (Raspberry Pi Fedora Remix) will be the fourth version of the Remix released.

Release date: (May 22nd 2013)
Fedora package collection version: 18
Kernel version: (3.6.11)
Architecture: armv6hl

Sources: http://pidora.ca/

What is Pidora
Pidora is a combination of Fedora software, with or without third-party software, that any community member can create at any time.
(More Info in the source link)

Source: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Remix

Weitere Infos gibt es bald!

Website: pidora.ca

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